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Terminally ill Palestinian prisoner dies after 38 years in Israeli custody

2024-4-10 20:58| 发布者:north_falcon| 查看:5| 评论:0 |来自: 加国同城 58.ca

摘要:Walid Daqqa, one of the longest-serving Palestinian prisoners in Israel, died of cancer on Sunday at the age of 63 after almost four decades of incarceration.

Walid Daqqa, one of the longest-serving Palestinian prisoners in Israel, died of cancer on Sunday at the age of 63 after almost four decades of incarceration.

Daqqa’s case was unique. At the time of his death, he was the longest imprisoned Palestinian in Israel, with the second-longest sentence served overall, according to the Palestinian Prisoners Society.

He was also one of the few Palestinian prisoners to have been continuously incarcerated since prior to the Oslo Accords, a series of agreements between Israel and the Palestinians in the 1990s that resulted in a number of Palestinians being released from Israeli prisons. Born in the Israeli town of Baqa al-Gharbiyye in the northern “triangle” region, Daqqa was a Palestinian citizen of Israel.

A spokesperson for the Israel Prison Service on Monday confirmed Daqqa’s death and said in a statement that his death will be investigated “like any event of this nature.”

In Israel, Daqqa was seen as a terrorist after he was convicted in connection with the killing of a soldier. But to many Palestinians, he was a symbol of their struggle for liberation from Israel.

Daqqa was arrested in March 1986 and sentenced to life in prison after an Israeli court convicted him of commanding the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) militant group, which abducted and killed 19-year-old Israeli soldier Moshe Tamam in 1984. Daqqa was not convicted of carrying out the murder but of commanding the group, which he denied, Amnesty International said. Tamam’s niece Ortal said on X that her uncle was subjected to torture before being killed.

In 2012, Israel reduced his sentence to 37 years, which he completed in 2023. He was then charged by an Israeli court with smuggling mobile phones to prisoners, and was given an added sentence of two years, according to the Palestinian Commission of Detainee Affairs. He died before his scheduled release date of March 24, 2025.

The Commission and the Palestinian Prisoners Society, based in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, said in a statement that during his detention, Daqqa “faced the policies of torture, assault, deprivation and isolation, in addition to successive medical crimes.”

CNN has reached out to the Israel Prison Service for comment on the allegations.

‘Weight lifted from my chest’: niece

“The way he was murdered was so brutal and inhumane,” Orla Tamam, the niece of Moshe Tamam, told CNN on Tuesday.

Moshe had been returning from a weekend visiting his girlfriend in Tiberias when he was kidnapped at the Beit Lid Junction in Israel, according to Tamam.

“When (Daqqa) died in jail, I was very happy,” Tamam said, adding that she felt relief after she and her family had fought for years to keep Daqqa in prison rather than have his sentence reduced.

Orla Tamam, who is a medical doctor in Israel, told CNN, “to be honest, I’m a doctor, I spent my life helping people be healthy. I save life, I try to make it better for my patients. Never in my life did I think I’d be happy that someone died. But I was so happy, I felt like so much weight was lifted from my chest.”

“We fought hard to keep him in prison, and every moment of struggle paid off,” Tamam wrote on X.

Rare form of cancer

达卡的健康状况在监狱中恶化。约旦河西岸囚犯支持和人权协会阿达梅尔表示,2015 年,他在患有各种健康问题后被诊断出患有神经肌肉疾病。 2022 年,他被诊断患有骨髓纤维化,这是一种罕见的骨髓癌和慢性肺阻塞性疾病。

2023 年,国际特赦组织呼吁以色列释放达卡,以便他能够接受专业医疗护理。



CNN 无法独立证实阿达米尔的说法。

国际特赦组织高级总监埃里卡·格瓦拉-罗萨斯 表示,达卡的死亡“残酷地提醒人们,以色列有系统地忽视医疗和无视巴勒斯坦囚犯的权利。”

她在一份声明中援引达卡的律师的话称,“对于达卡及其家人来说,过去六个月尤其是一场无尽的噩梦,在此期间他遭受了酷刑或其他虐待,包括以色列监狱管理局的殴打和羞辱” ”。


在被拘留期间,达卡写了很多书,并于 2010 年和 2016 年获得了两个学位。国际特赦组织将他的作品描述为“抵制巴勒斯坦囚犯非人化行为的行为”。



国际特赦组织国际特赦组织研究、倡导高级主任埃里卡·格瓦拉-罗萨斯 (Erika Guevara-Rosas) 周一呼吁以色列当局将达卡的遗体归还给他的家人,以便他们能够“和平、有尊严地埋葬他,让他们在不受恐吓的情况下哀悼他的死亡”。政策和活动。


据巴勒斯坦囚犯协会称,目前以色列监狱里关押着 9,400 名巴勒斯坦囚犯。

达卡之死使自 1967 年以色列占领巴勒斯坦领土以来在以色列拘留期间死亡的巴勒斯坦人人数达到 251 人。巴勒斯坦被拘留者事务委员会

据巴勒斯坦囚犯协会称,自去年 10 月 7 日以来,达卡是第 14 位在以色列拘留期间死亡的巴勒斯坦囚犯。









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