








发表于 2024-4-17 17:06:08|来自:加拿大 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Residents can learn the latest about plans to replace Malvern Town Centre with a mixed-use development at a Nov. 2 public meeting.By Dan Pearce/Metroland
City of Toronto officials at a public meeting on Thursday, Nov. 2 will relay latest news about a proposed redevelopment of Scarborough’s Malvern Town Centre to area residents who appear not to welcome the plan.

Davpart Inc., owners and managers of the mall, has applied to build 5,755 new residential units in 15 mixed-use towers in place of the existing Tapscott Road building.

Thursday’s meeting at the Malvern Community Recreation Centre will look at a Master Plan for the entire 27.4-acre property and a zoning amendment to permit the first of plan’s 10 phases, two towers of 39 and 32 storeys with 877 residences above a base containing 940 square metres of retail.

It’s natural people in Malvern are unhappy about losing such a reliable, “iconic” place used by residents of all ages, said Debbie Naipaul, a volunteer with 42 Voices who has distributed flyers about the redevelopment for months.

She said she has yet to meet residents who see anything positive about replacing the mall, where shops sell affordable goods and seniors and youth have room to socialize.

Malvern needs affordable housing, and young people who want to remain in the neighbourhood doubt they can afford a unit on the property, while some residents worry the mall’s independent store owners won’t be able to return, Naipaul said.

Davpart, for its part, has said redevelopment will make the property "more vibrant," with a new park and plaza, public streets and other amenities. Part of the plan involves protecting space for the Eglinton East Light-Rail-Transit line from Kennedy Station, which might eventually have its northern terminus on the mall lands.

The meeting, lasting from 6 to 8 p.m. and advertised in English, Tamil and Urdu, can be joined in person, online or through a phone call.

The city has said it is forming a Local Advisory Group of residents who can advise staff about their concerns. People interested in joining can write to [email protected].



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